Zhdankin Alexander Yuryevich
Research interests:
- Mechanical engineering technology, standardization and certification;
- Quality, sustainable development, social responsibility, labor protection.
- Auditor of the international certification society Lloyd’s Register (UK) in the following areas: ISO 9001 (quality);
- ISO 45001 (Occupational Safety and Health), SMETA (Business Social Responsibility), product certification according to European Directives (CPR 305/2011-structural materials; 2014/33 / EU-Elevators);
- ISO 50001 (Energy Management);
- Director of the Center for Sustainable Business Development, LLC.
- Volgograd State Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, specialty ” Standardization and certification»
- Orenburg Business School-retraining in the direction of “Technosphere security. Labor protection”, specialty ” Labor protection specialist»