Rybakov Boris AdamovichChief Technologist

Area of expertise
- Development of technologies for burning organic fuels.Gas turbine and combined-cycle power plants.Thermal mechanical equipment and technological processes of thermal power plants.
Project management
- Project manager for the construction of a 370 MW CCGT power unit of the Tashkent Thermal Power Plant.Project Manager construction of the fuel gas treatment system of the 420 MW PSU power unit of Verkhnetagilskaya GRES Power Plant.
Work experience
- Director of Development of LLC “SK Engineering”. Development of projects related to hydrogen technologies.2018-2020 – Director for Strategic Development of Globaltech Export LLC. Preparation of the TAP and conclusion of a contract for the supply of equipment for the hydrogen-containing gas treatment system for a 500 MW combined-cycle power plant with Siemens SGT5-2000E (PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim), including shut-off, control and safety valves (valves).Technical support of the project.
- 2014-2018 – Development Director of Interenergo LLC.Preparation of the TAP and conclusion of a contract for the construction of a fuel gas and diesel fuel treatment system for the 420 MW Verkhnetagilskaya GRES CCGT on a turnkey basis. The composition of the fuel gas system equipment – AGRS, PPG, DCS, BOA, including shut-off, control and safety valves (valves).Preparation of the TAP and conclusion of contracts for the supply of 4 sets of CU and a fuel gas and diesel fuel preparation system for the Taman project, including shut-off, control and safety valves (valves).
- 2012-2014 – Project Manager of the construction of the 370 MW CCGT unit of the Tashkent TPP.Preparation of a contract for the supply of GTU Fr.9FA and PTU D-12 manufactured by GE and a heat recovery boiler (CU).2010-2011 – Deputy Head for the construction of the CCGT-400 MW unit of TNK-BP.Participation in the conclusion of the contract for the design of the NGU NV GRES. Participation in the conclusion of a contract for the supply of GE Fr.9FA GTU and PTU and a heat recovery boiler (CU) for the NGU NV GRES unit.Head of contract negotiations with Siemens for the supply of the “power island” (SGT5-4000F GTU and PTU) for the construction project of the South Ural GRES PSU.
- 2007-2010 – Engineering Manager of TNK-BP Management. Development of the technical part of the tender for the selection of a contractor for the construction of a CCGT unit at Nizhnevartovskaya GRES (NV GRES). Participation in competitions for the choice of the Customer’s Engineer, the choice of the design organization, supplier of GTU, CU and PTU for the PSU NV GRES power unit.Participation in the development of power plant construction projects at Verkhne-Chonskoye field (300 MW), Orenburg region (400 MW), for Yugragazpererabotka OJSC (2×150 MW).
- 2005-2007 – Head of the Representative Office of Toromont Energy Systems Corporation. Delivery of 12- and gas-booster compressor units (GDK) for GTPP at the fields of OJSC Surgutneftegaz.Delivery of GDK for the CCGT of the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant (TVEL concern).
- 2005-2007 – Advisor to the General Director of Intertechelectro CJSC.Participation in the contract for the supply of 2 GTU Fr.6B produced by GE for the November PSU.
- 2004-2005 – Leading Manager for combined-cycle gas technologies at JSC “Company EMC-Engineering”. Chief auditor of the quality management system. Participation in the construction of the 1st CCGT unit with a capacity of 220 MW at Tyumen CHP-1.Contract for the construction of a GTPP with a capacity of 24 MW at the Igolsko-Talovoye field for YUKOS.
- 2001-2002 – Marketing and Sales Manager of GTU in Alstom LLC. Delivery of 4 GTU “Tornado” for the company “Total”, the oil field “Haryaga”.
- 1998-2001 – GTU Market Development Manager at the Representative Office of Alstom in Russia. The contract for the supply of 17 Typhoon gas turbine units for the Caspian Pipeline Consortium project.Contract for the supply of 3 GTU “Tornado”, working on associated petroleum gas, for OJSC “Surgutneftegaz”.
- 1994-1998 – Sales Engineer of GTU in the joint venture “ABB Nevsky”. The contract for the supply of GT8C GTU for the Southern TPP Lenenergo.GTU Sales Manager at ABB Power Generation LLC. Participation in the development of the Tyumen CHP-1 modernization project of JSC Tyumenenergo.
- 1993-1994 – Leading Researcher at the All-Russian Thermal Engineering Institute. Participation in the development program of boilers with CCS.
- 1987-1993 – Researcher at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Reconstruction project of burner devices of boilers of Diaghilev CHP of Ryazanenergo.
- 1981-1984 – Engineer at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Development of a heat recovery boiler for MHD-500 MW.
- Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) (Technical University). Specialty – mechanical engineer.
- Postgraduate course of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in the specialty “Boilers and combustion chambers”. PhD thesis defense at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.
- Scientific internship at the Helsinki University of Technology and the Technical Research Center of Finland.
Area of professional interests
- Development and development of new types of equipment and technological solutions.
Scientific activity
- Candidate of Technical Sciences.
- 13 years of scientific activity at MEI
- 10 scientific publications
Scientific works and publications
- Investigation of the elements of the MHD power unit. Research Report, MEI, 1981,no. state reg. 0181.300.2860 Co-authors. Dvoinishnikov V.A. Knyazkov V.P. Laryushkin M.A., Trofimchenko S.I., Mozhaev A.T., Myasnikov M.V., Rozhko A.N.
- Study of work processes in the MSDU CS. Research Report, MEI, 1982, no. state reg. 75061100. Dvoinishnikov V.A.; Knyazkov V.P. ; Laryushkin M.A. ; Hritinin A.F.; Trofimchenko S.I.
- Investigation of the recirculation of combustion products in the flue of the boiler unit of the power unit N = 500 MW. Abstracts of the V Moscow City Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists on improving the reliability, efficiency and power of power, electrical and electronic equipment. M. MEI. 1983
- Issues of reliability of operation of a powerful steam generator of the MHD power unit. Scientific works. Improving the efficiency and reliability of steam generators. Interuniversity thematic collection. No. 15, Moscow MEI, 1983. Chernyaev V.I. ;Kuzmin A.V. ;Sotnikov I.A. ;Gordeev V.V.
- The boiler. Copyright certificate No. 1110250. Dvoinishnikov V.A.; Chernyaev V.I.; Laryushkin M.A.;Kuzmin A.V.; Sotnikov I.A.; Gordeev V.V.
- Studies of the organization of the working process in cyclone combustion chambers for MGDES on solid fuel. Research Report, MEI, 1983, no. state reg. 01840024618. Dvoinishnikov V.A.; Hritinin A.F.Trofimchenko S.I.; Molchanov V.A.;Laryushkin M.A.; Zhdankin V.N.; Luzganov A.E.
- Studies of the organization of the working process in cyclone combustion chambers for MGDES on solid fuel. Research Report, MEI, 1983, no. state reg. 01840024618. Dvoinishnikov V.A.; Hritinin A.F.; Trofimchenko S.I.; Molchanov V.A.; Zhdankin V.N.; Grishutin K.S.; Laryushkin M.A.; Roslyakov P.V.; Izyumov M.A.; Supranov V.M.; Luzganov A.E.; Burkova A.
- Determination of the dimensions of air distribution nozzles during afterburning of incomplete combustion products in rectangular chambers.News of universities. Energy. №7, 1986. Hritinin A.F.; Trofimchenko S.I.; Molchanov V.A.
- Organization of afterburning of incomplete combustion products in the furnace of a 500 MW power unit of the Ryazan GRES. Interuniversity thematic collection No. 78. Improving the efficiency and reliability of power units. M. 1985. Hritinin A.F.; Trofimchenko S.I.; Gordeev V.V.
- Energy losses during mixing of gas media by the introduction of jets into a limited carrying flow. Improving the efficiency and reliability of power units. Collection of scientific papers No. 121. Moscow. energy. Institute. 1987.
- Optimization of mixing of gas jets with a transverse flow. Abstracts of the scientific and technical conference “Scientific and technological progress in the field of improving thermal processes and new technologies of industrial plants and CHP”. Chelyabinsk. 1987. Dvoinishnikov V.A.; Molchanov V.A.; Hritinin A.F.
- Optimization of the process of mixing recirculation gases with a transverse flue gas flow. Abstracts of the All-Union conference “Heat exchange in steam generators”. Novosibirsk. 1988. Dvoinishnikov V.A.; Hritinin A.F.; Trofimchenko S.I.; Molchanov V.A.
- Study of working processes and optimization of the design of a cyclone combustion chamber for the MHD of a 1000 MW solid fuel power unit. R&D Report, MEI, 1988, no. state reg. 01860128458. Dvoinishnikov V.A.; Roslyakov P.V.4 Laryushkin M.A.; Hritinin A.F.; Burkova A.; Trofimchenko S.I.; Rozhko A.N.; Molchanov V.A.; Ragutkin V.A.; Kolesnikova L.E.; Zinkina V.N.; Stepanova E.N.; Avdakushin A.B.; Dnevsky V.A.; Gavrilova N.N.Myagkova T.G.Orlov A.N.; Salnikov N.V.; Chumachenko D.V.; Baranov I.P.
- Optimization and development of methods for calculating the mixing process of gas media when introducing a jet system into a transverse flow. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. M. 1988.
- Investigation of technological processes of the flue gas desulfurization plant of thermal power plants. Research report, MEI, 1989, no. state reg. 01890035689 Hands. Dvoinishnikov V.A.
- Optimization of processes in boilers of Diaghilev CHPP (Ryazan) during natural gas combustion. Development of effective NOx reduction methods. Research report, MEI, 1989, no. state reg. 01890035690. Ruk. Izyumov M.A.
- Features of interaction of a jet system with a transverse flow in a rectangular channel. Improving the efficiency and reliability of power units. Collection of scientific papers No. 227. Moscow. energy. in-T. 1989 Hands. Dvoinishnikov V.A.
- Optimization of processes in boilers of Diaghilev CHPP (Ryazan) during natural gas combustion. Development of effective NOx reduction methods. Research report, MEI, 1990, no. state reg. 01890035690 Hands. Izyumov M.A.
- Studies of processes in CCC furnaces during anthracite combustion. Research Report, VTI, 1990, No. 13936
- Optimization of the mixing type heater for the installation of desulphurization. Research report, MEI, 1991, no. state reg. 01900063776 Hands. Hritinin A.F.
- Optimization of the secondary air input unit in the boiler furnace of the Kurakhovskaya power plant CCC. Research report, MEI, 1991, no. state reg. 01900041285 Hands. Izyumov M.A.
- Calculation of pressure losses of a single jet in a transverse flow. Heat Power Engineering, No. 12, 1991. Molchanov V.A.; Hritinin A.F.; Trofimchenko S.I.
- Features of combustion of associated petroleum gas in gas turbine installations. “Turbines and diesels”. May-June 2008. Burov V.D.; Trushin K.S.
- Computational study of the energy efficiency of the thermal scheme of a thermal power plant unit in a hot climate. Design study on the efficiency of the thermal scheme of power unit of thermal power plants in hot climates. VII International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy, Informatics, innovations”. Moscow. 2017. Sedlov A.S.,; Dorokhov E.V.; Nenashev A.S.
Global energy transition and domestic solutions
The transition to low-carbon energy, as one of the main options for solving the problem of global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere in all spheres of human activity, is becoming increasingly relevant. How is this problem solved? What alternatives does the domestic energy industry have? To these and other questions to