D. V. Blinov , V. I. Borzenko, A .V .Bezdudny
Abstract. The results of the experimental research of thermal, mass exchange and dynamical characteristics of processes inside the low temperature metal hydride (MH) thermal energy storage system are presented. Single stage pressure driven MH heat storage system of closed cycle concept was studied and tested. Intermetallic compound (IMC) LaFe0.1Mn0.3Ni4.8 in the quantity of 5 kg was used as main hydrogen storage/heat emitter element in the reactor. Nominal maximum hydrogen capacity of the reactor is 850 st.l. with though resulting effective volume of cycled hydrogen ended up to be around 240-250 st.l. The reactor type and intermetallic alloy, which were used in the series of experiments, proved to be somewhat suitable for the task, but more advanced heat exchange design along with selection of different
type of IMC promise to increase the cycled effective volume along with the system dynamics, resulting in greater thermal energy power output.