On March 02, 2021, at 11: 00, the RUDN will host an expert discussion on the topic ” The impact of ecology on geopolitics» – Hydrogen technology solutions

On March 02, 2021, at 11: 00, the RUDN will host an expert discussion on the topic ” The impact of ecology on geopolitics»

The impact of ecology on geopolitics

On March 02, 2021, at 11: 00, an expert discussion on the topic “The impact of ecology on geopolitics” will be held at the RUDN with the participation of Maxim Savitenko, Director of the ANO “Center for Research and Scientific Development in the Field of Energy “Hydrogen Technological Solutions”.

Students of RUDN will learn about the structure of the organization, areas of work, and technologies available in the Russian Federation. Savitenko M. A. will share up-to-date information about the initiatives taken, global trends, as well as experience in the international market, search and implementation of technological solutions. Those present will have the opportunity to ask questions.

The program of the event
  • 17:30 — 18:00
    A professional who knows how to interact with suppliers/customers
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Директор АНО «Центр исследований и научных разработок в области энергетики «Водородные технологические решения»
2021-3-2 17:00 2021-3-2 18:00 Europe/London On March 02, 2021, at 11: 00, the RUDN will host an expert discussion on the topic ” The impact of ecology on geopolitics» ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6
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