More than 200 heads of enterprises for the production of hydrogen in Russia and the CIS countries will gather at the international conference and exhibition “Hydrogen Russia and the CIS”
Date: October 20-21, 2021
Location: Moscow, hotel “Baltschug Kempinski”
Organizer: Vostock Capital
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Phone: +7 495 109 9509 (Moscow)
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The International Conference and Exhibition “Hydrogen Russia and the CIS” (October 20-21, 2021, Moscow) is a unique professional closed platform for discussing current trends in the hydrogen industry with the participation of investment project managers, major enterprises, regulatory bodies, suppliers of equipment and technologies for production, use , storage and transportation of hydrogen.
Strategic partner: Siemens Energy . Bronze sponsors: Rosen Group , Brunel .
The event is attended by project initiators, vertically integrated oil companies, regulatory bodies, the best technology companies: Gazprom hydrogen, Gazprom, Sakhalin Oblast Government, Rosneft, NOVATEK, Rosatom, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Gazprom promgaz, Gazprom export, Gazpromneft – ONPZ, Russian Railways, Ernst & Young Russia , Jogmec, Marubeni Itochu Steel Inc., NAVOIYAZOT, SGS Russia, TGE Gas Engineering, Air Liquide, TechnipFMC, Total E&P Russie, Haldor Topsoe, Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim, Eurasian Group, Eurosibenergo, ERG CAPITAL PROJECTS IPNG RAS), KMA-Energosbyt, LUKOIL-Volgogradneftepererabotka, RPC In-Pipe Diagnostics, LNG-Zilant, Tatneftekhiminvest-Holding, TYAZHMASH, UK Metalloinvest, FSBI National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, FSBI Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, RAS (Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company (YATEK)and many others .
Among the speakers and guests of honor: Evgeny Getts , Deputy Minister of Digital and Technological Development, Government of the Sakhalin Region ; Andrey Konoplyanik , Advisor to the General Director, Gazprom Export ; Andrey Mikhailov , Head of the Laboratory of Hydrogen Technologies, Gazprom VNIIGAZ ; Oleg Nazarov , Deputy Head of the Technical Policy Department, Russian Railways ; Daisuke Harada , Project Director, Jogmec ; Sergey Aldoshin , Scientific Supervisor, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS (IPCP RAS) .
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Key areas of the conference program 2021:
- 200+ participants , including heads of enterprises for the production of hydrogen in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as initiators of investment projects, development companies and manufacturers of equipment and technologies for enterprises, Russian and international investors
- 20+ investment projects for the production of hydrogen
- 40+ speakers and panelists : project representatives, regulators, industry experts
- Specialized exhibition of technical, technological and service solutions from industry leaders
- Drivers and mechanisms for the development of the industry , medium and long-term goals
- Plans of the government, hydrogen producers and project initiators
- Examples of innovative developments and best technologies for hydrogen production
- Status of projects for the construction, modernization and expansion of hydrogen production sites in Russia and the CIS
- Hydrogen Demand : Current and Potential Industrial Uses, Hydrogen Fuel, Energy Feedstock
- Monetization of hydrogen . Investments, fundraising
- Case studies : planning, design and implementation of construction projects, modernization and expansion of production
- Accumulation and storage of hydrogen, transportation issues
- Round table: increasing the efficiency of hydrogen production