- 16.09.2022
- Posted by: Администратор
- Category: Uncategorized
At PIGF-22, experts discussed the issues of distributed generation in the Far East
On September 13, 2022, a round table “Prospects and priorities for the development of distributed generation of remote and isolated territories” was held in St. Petersburg as part of the XI St. Petersburg International Gas Forum PIGF-2022. The event was organized by the editorial office of the newspaper “Energy and Industry of Russia”.
The meeting was moderated by Valery Presnyakov, Editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Energy and Industry of Russia”, and Maxim Gubanov, Head of the Energy and Housing and Communal Services Department of the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation.
The participants analyzed the successful experience of the development of distributed generation in different regions of Russia. Special attention was paid to domestic equipment and prospects for the use of alternative fuels in distributed generation.
Maxim Savitenko, Director of ANO “Hydrogen Technology Solutions”, made a report on the topic “Prospects for the use of methane-hydrogen mixture in power plants” at the round table. How promising is the use of hydrogen in the Russian energy sector? Is it advisable to use electricity to produce hydrogen?
During the conducted research, it was found out that the energy consumption for obtaining hydrogen by electrolysis of water is higher than the energy consumption for hydrogen obtained by plasma pyrolysis. Experts came to the conclusion that it makes sense to obtain hydrogen only by using currently unclaimed electricity produced through renewable energy sources (RES). “The use of hydrogen together with expensive imported fuel in autonomous power systems in hard-to-reach or isolated places with energy supply from renewable energy sources is promising.
And the more expensive the imported fuel, the better the economy of using hydrogen. In general, reducing water vapor and carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere is an opportunity to solve not only the climatic, but also the environmental challenges facing the energy sector.”
The details of the speeches will be published in the near future, follow the publications!